Thursday, 4 September 2014

Quote: "Twitter tells us what celebrities are really thinking"

I disagree with this statement as I don't think celebrities can express them-self fully as if its a opinion or even a fact that could give them negative publicity they wouldn't want to post it as this could lead to more people disliking them. This would be bad as celebrities need people to like them to make a profit out of there career,therefore they would be restricted from doing that. Celebrities wont be as open on twitter as they would be with there family and friends, as on media sites such as twitter they have a certain responsibility to there fans as most of them look up to them as a role-model.


  1. I agree with your statement :).

  2. I agree with this statement but I also disagree because celebrities are still human and they are allowed to use twitter the way they feel to use, they can use it the same way everybody else does so yes I do think that twitter gives us a bit of an insight into their lives even though they do have to be careful

  3. I agree with your statement because if celebrities actually expressed themselves they would loose a lot of fans because some fans may not like exactly what they are thinking. Twitter gives them an opportunity to connect and talk to their fans.
